Humanitarian Response
CBM Ireland’s humanitarian goal is to support and facilitate locally driven people-centred, timely, appropriate and effective humanitarian assistance to some of the poorest and most at-risk men, women and children affected by natural and human-caused disasters. This support is delivered in partnership with Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and in close coordination with the humanitarian sector at global, regional, national and local levels.
In doing so we commit to ensuring our humanitarian response is inclusive by:
Lifting the barriers people with disabilities face when accessing support.
Ensuring the meaningful participation of people with disabilities in humanitarian decision making and throughout the development, planning, implementation, and evaluation of humanitarian programmes.
Empowering people with disabilities and supporting them to build their capacities.
Supporting mainstream actors to incorporate disability inclusion in their humanitarian responses through technical assistance.
Kenya Emergency
People in Kenya are facing severe drought and food shortages. Families are on the verge of starvation, with people with disabilities among those most vulnerable. People in Kenya are paying the devastating price for a climate crisis they have done nothing to create….
Madagascar Emergency
Back-to-back droughts in southern Madagascar have left thousands of people in catastrophic conditions, facing desperate hunger. That number is likely to double without urgent help, according to the UN's World Food Programme…