Who we are - Our Vision
Ending the cycle of poverty and disability
CBM volunteer Theophile Ngandu in Democratic Republic of Congo helps with medical distribution to prevent river blindness
CBM Ireland is a Christian international development organisation , committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world.
Our vision is of an inclusive world where all people with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential.
We exist because in situations of extreme hardship, war, famine, drought, and natural disaster, people with disabilities are always at the back of the queue. Poverty and disability go hand in hand creating a cycle of inequality, isolation, and exclusion that leads to the most extreme forms of poverty.
With over 100 years of professional expertise, CBM addresses poverty as a cause, and a consequence, of disability, and works in partnership to create a society for all.
The Christian Blind Mission was founded by Ernst Christoffel in 1908 to help blind children in Turkey and Iran. We work in over 20 countries, investing in long-term, authentic partnership with the Disability Movement and maximising our impact through a coordinated mix of inclusive community-based programmes, local to global advocacy and delivering inclusion advice.
The CBM approach is to help people through a network of community based surgeons, doctors, nurses, rehabilitation specialists, midwives, teachers, trainers, clinical staff, and community workers, from the communities they work. We also work in partnership with leading organisations and hospitals on the ground. Organisations that share our passion for helping people with disabilities, irrespective of race, or religion.