Inclusion Advisory
Inclusion Advisory is one of the key engagements of CBM Ireland. Drawn on our strong community-based inclusive development and humanitarian action, global-level advocacy and partnership with the organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) and the disability movement – we share our experience and expertise with others. We work alongside our global initiative known as Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG).
Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG)
Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) is an initiative of CBM Global Disability Inclusion. CBM Ireland is a member of CBM Global federation and an integral part of the IAG. IAG is a global network of advisors, representatives, and associates, working together in decentralised, local teams.
We bring development, humanitarian policy and programming expertise provided in collaboration with the disability movement, who bring a representation of their members, expertise and lived experience.
Why Inclusion Advisory:
The rights set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are often not enjoyed in reality. The Convention sets forth the importance of inclusive development and humanitarian action in international cooperation. We support others to put inclusion into practice.
Why Inclusion in Development & Humanitarian Action
Barriers frequently prevent people with disabilities from fully participating and being included in their communities and taking active part in development, humanitarian and climate action. The 2030 Agenda intends to "leave no one behind" and enshrines rights in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Numerous laws, policies, and strategies make commitments to inclusion, yet these rights are frequently not upheld in practice.
Our Approach
We tailor our advice to a range of audiences for maximum effect.
We seek a broader, intersectional approach to inclusion.
We seek to strengthen the capacity of others.
We work in multi-perspective teams, made up of disability movement partners, CBM advisors, and associate advisors/organisations.
We provide rights-based advice aligned with the UNCRPD.
We harness humanitarian and development programming to progress the agendas of the disability movement.
We Offer
Capacity Development
We support organisations and individuals to set and achieve their objectives to strengthen inclusion capabilities over time through capacity development and learning in its many forms. For example, We provided disability inclusion training to a range of organisations e.g., Concern Worldwide, Christian Aid, and Trócaire staff. Currently, we are planning with Viatores Christie (VC) and Development Perspective to ensure inclusion and accessibility in their key training programmes.
Technical Support
We provide tailored input to support organisations to address inclusion within their policies and practice. This includes tasks such as reviewing policy and programme documents and developing resources. For example, CBM Australia inclusion advisory group had an ongoing technical engagement with the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) since 2008. This includes managing and implementing a help desk function, allowing its staff to log support requests, and enabling technical assistance and links to Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) to be built in early and at all stages of programming.
Joint Programming
We team with other organisations to provide inclusive programmes, including working in consortia to co-deliver programmes; supporting the engagement of OPDs as programme partners; and providing technical support and capacity development on inclusion through the life of the programme.
Supporting the Disability Movement
We provide support to Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) to achieve their own agendas through strategy and technical support and capacity development. We offer this support ‘on tap not on top’, and also facilitate peer exchange.
Research and Evidence
We contribute to the global evidence on inclusion through action learning and participatory research, formal research in collaboration with research partners, providing input to research concepts and methodology, identifying research and evidence gaps, and providing advice on monitoring, evaluation and learning.
Policy and Tools Development
We support programmes and organisations to become more inclusive through change facilitation and action planning. For example, In 2021, we supported Misean Cara in developing their Disability Inclusion Policy and in 2022 provided technical advice to develop Guidance documents and tools for staff and partners and members to roll out the policy. This will help the staff and project teams to implement the policy and mainstream disability inclusion across the programmes, including strengthening engagement with OPDs.
For more information, inquiry and collaboration, please contact Mahbub Kabir at